Winter's Coming - Warm Up Your Truck with the Bully Dog GT Diesel

Winter is on the way, and nothing is harder on your diesel engine than freezing cold temperatures, especially if you’re using a diesel tuner with an aggressive fueling tune. Bully Dog used some common sense and anticipated that diesel truck owners using their tuners could possibly cause winter engine damage without a little forethought.

All Bully Dog tuners are designed to give you more power, torque and fuel economy and to give you that power in a way that minimizes the chances of harming your vehicle. Now every Bully Dog GT Diesel comes with an Engine Warm-Up Mode. This mode keeps your power level reduced for about the first ten minutes, or until your truck reaches an optimal 170 degree Fahrenheit operating temperature.

If you want to deactivate or adjust the warm up mode temperate setting you can do that too! Make the most of your diesel this winter, and make it safely with performance tuners from Bully Dog.

Posted on: October 3, 2012


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